Friday 10 February 2017


Top 7 Signs You Have A Vitamin D Deficiency

When we’re talking about our immune system or bone health, vitamin D may be the most important nutrient.

Here, we’re going to present you 7 ways that will help you discover a potential vitamin D deficiency.


Muscle weakness and pain can vary from subtle to severe. The symptoms of this type are almost non-present in the start, but in time, as the deficiency starts during much longer, the associated symptoms tend to become worse. That’s because when vitamin D is metabolized, it enhances the muscle contraction, which is an essential mechanism for strengthening the bones.


When the levels of vitamin D become low, our immune system becomes inextricably affected. The immune cells can contain a high concentration of vitamin D receptors, which is the area of the body that requires sufficient vitamin D supplementation. A Japanese study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that vitamin D supplements were given to schoolchildren and were recorded fewer instances of the flu strain influenza A than those who didn’t receive supplements.

Another study found that persons diagnosed with an autoimmune disease were also tested for low levels of D vitamin.


Hypertension (or also known as high blood pressure) very often occurs when our body’s levels of vitamin D are low. The body formulates a peptide that increases the blood pressure through arterial restriction and through water retention. Vitamin D serves as a countermeasure, suppressing this enzymatic reaction and reducing the body’s inappropriate and worsened response to this peptide, consequently normalizing the blood pressure levels.


The sadness or depression and the low levels of vitamin D are connected. One interesting discovery involves the correlation concerning seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a seasonal depressive condition, and changing levels of vitamin D3. The participants were given D3 supplementation and they experienced enhanced positive effects and a reduction of negative effects, both cognitive and physical. The participants reported a meaningfully diminished presence of various symptoms, such as food craving, lethargy, hypersomnia, and sleep disturbances.


Some of the well-known gastrointestinal conditions can affect the vitamin D absorption. Those with celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease and other conditions are more prone to a greater risk of vitamin D deficiency due to these interactions. People with high amounts of body fat are more disposed to vitamin D deficiency as fat dilutes the vitamin and reduces its physiological effects.


The tendency of persons to sweat more without adequate vitamin D levels are a very strange addition to this list. Contrary to lots of the items on this list, medical experts are not quite sure why we sweat more with low vitamin D levels. Everything that is known is that there seems to be an inseparable connection between low vitamin D and extreme sweating, especially around the forehead.


The low vitamin D levels and cardiovascular disease are also connected. Some medical professionals believe that low levels of vitamin D result in bigger concentrations of calcium build up in the arteries. The calcium buildup is a plaque that forms in the arteries and increases the risk of stroke or heart attack. Other conditions connected to vitamin D deficiency are hypertension, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity and they appear to solidify the connection between the vitamin D levels and heart health.

Sources of Vitamin D

Here, we’re also going to present you some of the most common sources of the nutrient. They include:

Orange Juice (Vitamin D fortified)
Fortified Plant-Based Milks


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