Sunday 12 February 2017


10 Bizarre Ways People Have Tried To Loose Weight

When it comes to weight-loss people have tried lots and lots of ways to cut down calories. Some have tried slimming teas, some have used pills and some even went as far as liposuction. I decided to compile the ten most bizarre weight-loss techniques people all over the world have tried and one or two have been tried in Nigeria.

1. Air Diet
Popular in France, where it has become known as “l’air fooding,” the air diet is basically a fancy term for starving yourself. However, in an attempt to trick your brain into thinking it has eaten, you must still go through the motions of preparing a meal, setting the table, and smelling the food.

2. Insulin
Disregarding the fact that it just plain won’t work, many people have tried injecting insulin in an attempt to lower blood sugar and break down fat instead of carbohydrates. Insulin injections are extremely dangerous, however, and if unmonitored, they can lead to the development of diabetes in non-diabetic users or even put abusers in a comatose state.

3. The Cabbage Soup Diet
Originating during World War II to protect against scurvy, the cabbage soup diet became popular in the 1990’s as a way to quickly lose weight. While on this diet, you will likely be taking in fewer than 1000 calories a day (as opposed to the 2000 average for healthy adults), so any sort of physical activity or exercise will be nearly impossible.

4. Wearing a Corset
Wearing a corset for a few hours each each day may seem like a good way to shrink your rib cage and trim some of the fat around your waist; however, there isn’t any medical benefit from wearing a corset, and wearing one too tight can put a lot of undue stress on your body and internal organs.

5. Waist Wrapping
Waist wrapping or stomach wrapping is the practice of wrapping your belly in plastic saran wrap in order to sweat out excess liquid weight. Excess sweating, however, can be very bad for you and can result in severe dehydration, nausea, and even heatstroke.

6. Sleeping Beauty Diet
Designed to help people who struggle with dieting, the sleeping beauty diet suggests that whenever you begin to get cravings just pop some sleeping pills and pass out for a couple of days. While it’s true that when you’re sleeping you can’t eat, this practice can cause your muscles to atrophy, your body to become dehydrated, and there is a high possibility of overdosing on the dangerous medication.

7. The Tapeworm Diet
Literally growing a tapeworm in your lower intestines, the tapeworm diet involves ingesting a real tapeworm and letting it grow inside your body where it will feast on anything you eat. In case you are crazy enough to even consider this diet, just remember that they can cause lasting health problems, grow to over 30 feet long, and sometimes don’t want to come out.

8. The Master Cleanse
Also known as the lemon cleanse, the master cleanse is a liquid diet involving drinking a cocktail of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup. It’s goal is to cleanse your body of toxins and impurities; however, it is much more akin to downright torturing yourself.

9. The Master Cleanse
Also known as the lemon cleanse, the master cleanse is a liquid diet involving drinking a cocktail of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup. It’s goal is to cleanse your body of toxins and impurities; however, it is much more akin to downright torturing yourself.

10. Fasting
Starving oneself until you reach your desired weight will make you skinnier. Although skipping meals will make you skinny quickly, it is terribly easy to go overboard, and doing so will be incredibly bad for your body.


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